Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wild "Bug" Canyon

Okay, so really the hike was called Wild Horse Canyon . . . but the kids and I decided to rename it after the hike. It was our first stop after we set up the tent trailer at the Goblin Valley Campsite. We decided that Wild Horse Canyon would be the perfect hike for late in the afternoon since it would be nice and cool in the slot canyon. And it was a lot cooler for sure! The kids had fun climbing on every rock they could climb on and we had to keep telling them to stop climbing until on the way back or else we would never get through the hike before dark. They were having fun. Surprisingly my five year old was the most adventurous of the three. Usually he is the one saying, "Mom . . . can you just put me on your shoulders. I'm tired!" But not this time. We couldn't keep him from climbing. And every time he made it up something he would say, "Take a picture!" But he wouldn't smile, he had to make some sort of weird pose. He is funny. The Canyon was amazing. It was so beautiful. There were a few spots that were a little tight to fit through with my 5 month old in the stroller backpack but we made it through. It was fun. The only problem we ran into the whole hike, and it wasn't a small thing, was that for some reason there were a ton of these little black gnat like bugs that were flying in our faces. We were hiking and swatting bugs out of our faces as we went. At one point my 7 year old started whimpering because of the bugs. But we just kept smiling and trying to keep a good attitude saying things like, "Isn't this fun?" And "Wow come look at this! It looks like a maze." But I have to admit there were a few moments I felt like whimpering because of the bugs! :) The kids still had fun even if the bugs were completely annoying. We basically were power walking the last part of the hike trying to get back to the car because the bugs were basically trying to attack us. We hurried and got the kids in the car and shut the doors quick. On the way back to camp we asked the kids if they had fun and they said, "Yes, but we didn't like the bugs!" I agreed and then we renamed the hike Wild "Bug" Canyon. You never know what challenge you might come across during an outing with kids. But if I have one tip to ensure a successful trip it would be to make sure to tell the kids often how much fun they are having before, during, and after the hike. They are very convincable. Attitude is everything. I think it could have been very possible to choose to be miserable and complain about the bugs, but we didn't. While in the car I said, "That was so fun! What was your favorite part?" And believe it or not they all had a favorite part, and the bugs didn't win!

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