Sunday, July 3, 2011


I'm currently reading the book Boys Should Be Boys by Meg Meeker. In it she describes how it's really important for boys to be able to play outside, to explore, to test their bodies, to run and jump and expend their energy doing boy things.

I'll be forever grateful to my parents who, when I was seven, decided to move to a new house, one with a gigantic, 1 acre yard. We had to work hard to keep the lawn mowed, the 18 cherry trees pruned, and the garden kept. But we also had fun. One of the best things about this yard is that we water it by irrigation. There is nothing more refreshing than playing in the irrigation on a hot summer day. Now we get to take our little kidlets to play in the water where they can explore bugs, try new tricks, and do all of the kinds of things that kids are supposed to do!

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